Proposed Signs Bylaw

In 2021, Council began splitting the ten bylaw topics contained in the Consolidated General Bylaw 2020 (CGB) into individual bylaws.

Council is proposing a new Signs Bylaw and the amendment of the CGB to remove Part 5 – Advertising Signs. 

Signage has an important function as a communication tool within the district. They advertise goods and services, provide notice of forthcoming events, warn of hazards, identify premises, direct and control traffic, and pedestrians.

Signs enable businesses, community groups and other organisations to support the social, economic, and cultural wellbeing of the district.

It is appropriate to allow signage, however, the number, size, location, and visual prominence of signs need to be balanced against the potential negative impacts they can have on public health and safety and visual amenity of our reserves.

Have your say on the proposed Signs Bylaw

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