Applications for funding have now closed.
About the Reserve Contributions Fund
A change to the Reserve Contributions (Use of) Policy (as part of the Long Term Plan 2018/2028) has resulted in a contestable fund for public application. The fund is collected from Reserve Contributions.
The contestable fund is available for application from across Kaipara District, with a current pool of $250,000 to be awarded.
The objective of the policy is to help groups create, improve and reprioritise how open spaces and reserves are used in their communities. Projects could include adding capacity or enhancing existing open spaces through landscaping, equipment provision or developing walking tracks.
All applicants must be a legal Not-for-Profit entity and have a volunteer component to the project. Council have established a tiered process for applications with three categories:
All applications will be presented to a committee of Council for approval.
All queries may be directed to the Community and Engagement Advisor (Funding) at
The following applicants were awarded funding in 2023:
Applicant | Purpose | Amount approved |
Kaiwaka Can
Mountain Creek Pontoon
Kaiwaka Sports Association
Playground bark & outdoor volleyball
Mangawhai Activity Zone
MAZ Big Board Skateboard Sculpture
Mangawhai Tennis Club
Replacement of Tennis Courts synthetic carpet
Mangawhai Tracks Charitable Trust
Back Bay Walkway upgrade
Mangawhai Tracks Charitable Trust
(application transferred from MELA)
Future proofing Back Bay Boardwalk
Progressive Paparoa Incorporated
Paparoa Village Green Enhancement Stage 1.2
Amount approved | $147,157.00 |
The following applicants were awarded funding in 2022:
Applicant | Purpose | Amount approved |
Kaipara Cycling | To build a bike trail for beginners | $20,000.00 |
Kaiwaka Can | Towards the costs associated with the development of McClean Park | $136,050.00 |
Kaiwaka Sports Association | To purchase four Frisbee Golf baskets and targets | $1,900.00 |
Mangawhai Tracks Trust | Lincoln Downs recreational area project - towards professional services to develop a business plan and wetland restoration plan | $16,500.00 |
Maungaturoto Residents Association | Towards the building of an 80 metre gravel walkway at the Maungaturoto Wharf Walkway | $1,945.00 |
Mangawhai Activity Zone | Towards the children's playground additions | $56,000.00 |
Paparoa Progressive Inc | Towards the Village Green enhancement | $19,250.00 |
Te Kopuru Community Development Board | For bollards | $6,470.06 |
Amount approved | $258,115.06 | |
Total amount available for allocation in this round was $288,709.36 |
The following applicants were awarded funding in 2021:
Mangawhai Activity Zone
To build a 3x3 outdoor basketball court
Mangawhai Historical Zone
To pave the entrance to the new public toilets and also the
entrance up to Molesworth Drive
Mangawhai Riparian Planting Group
Riparian planting alongside Tara Road stream adjacent to community gardens
Ruawai Promotion and Development Group
Beautification of the Ruawai intersection
Amount approved
Total amount available for allocation in this round was $136,249.28 |