Mobile Business, Itinerant Traders and Hawkers

To operate a Mobile Business (either food or non-food), hawker or as an itinerant trader in a public place within the Kaipara district, you will need to apply for a licence.




Offers goods for sale, sometimes on foot, without prior invitation to visit that private or public place.

Mobile Business     

Operates for a short period of time in one location before moving to another location (e.g. an ice cream van, a food truck or a mobile non-food shop)

Itinerant Traders

Applies to any person who has been a non-resident in the district for six (6)months prior to the application date; not owning or having entered into a binding lease in writing in the district for at least six (6) months; carried on or engages in any business in the district involving the sale or hire of goods.

You may also need to register as a food business if you intend to sell food.  Please see our Food Registration information on the following page.

Step 1: Complete the application form

To trade in a public place, or set up a stall, please download and fill in the following application form.

Step 2: Return the completed application form to us

Please return the application form to us by post, email or in person

By post:   

Kaipara District Council, Private Bag 1001, Dargaville 0340


In person:        
Customer Service Centres
Dargaville Customer Service Centre
32 Hokianga Road
Mangawhai Customer Service Centre
The Hub
6/6 Molesworth Drive

Step 3: Department referral

Your application will be referred to the following areas of Council:

  • Roading Department - to assess any impact on traffic safety
  • Parks Department - where parks or reserves are affected.

Step 4: Trading on a State Highway

To trade on a state highway, you must apply to Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.  Call the Network Manager (Utilities) Highways and Network Operations 09 969 9800.

Mobile Food Business

Mobile food business (or mobile operator) involves a temporary trading activity from a location which is vacated as soon as trading has ended for the day. Examples include (but not limited to):

  • Coffee carts

  • Food trucks
  • Ice cream trucks
  • Food trailers

To prepare and or sell food from a mobile vehicle you are required to register under the Food Act 2014.  The following are forms to assist you:

Selling Food as a Fundraiser

If you are preparing and or selling food as a fundraiser, you do not have to register as a food business if you are selling food to raise money for charity, philanthropic or cultural purposes, for up to 20 occasions per year.

If you are selling food to raise money in a public place, you must complete a One Day Event Application Form, and if the event involves fundraising at a park or reserve, you must submit a Park Booking Form seeking approval to operate in a public place. 

The following are forms to assist you:

Please refer to the current fees and charges register for costs relating to registering and operating a food business.