The Health Act 1956 defines Offensive Trades as any trade, business, manufacture, or undertaking for the time being specified in Schedule 3 of the Act, which includes, but is not limited to:
- Refuse collection and disposal
- Septic tank de-sludging and disposal of sludge
The Health Act 1956 (Section 54) requires anyone operating an offensive trade to obtain a Certificate of Registration from council, in accordance with the Health (Register of Premises) Regulations 1966. It is an offence to operate an offensive trade without the current registration certificate.
The Certificate of Registration will only be approved and issued when the premises comply with the Act and all other relevant legislation such as the Building Act, and when consent from the Medical Officer of Health has been given. Any business that fits this category is required to be inspected by an Environmental Health Officer, and be licensed with the council. Each licence is renewable on an annual basis.
The following are forms to assist you:
Please refer to the current fees and charges register for costs relating to registering and operating a food business.