The Governance Structure is developed in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the Local Government Act 2002. This page sets out the Terms of Reference for the committees of Kaipara District Council.
For individual committees of the Kaipara District Council, click on a committee below.
Audit, Risk and Finance Committee
Audit, Risk and Finance Committee
Reports to: Kaipara District Council
Chair: Phillip Jones
Deputy Chair: Councillor Mike Howard
Membership: Deputy Mayor Jonathan Larsen, Councillor Ron Manderson, Councillor Ash Nayyar, Councillor Pera Paniora and Councillor Eryn Wilson-Collins
Meeting frequency: Quarterly
Quorum: Four
Terms of Reference
- To oversee risk management and internal controls, audit functions, financial and other external corporate reporting, and compliance with legislation
- To monitor Council’s financial performance against the Long Term Plan and Annual Plan.
- Agree on audit scope with management
- Input into audit scope to the external auditor
- Consider the audit management letter and take appropriate actions
- Ensure a comprehensive risk management framework is in place and operates effectively
- Identify and monitor risks associated with legislative and policy compliance
- Review effectiveness of risk management and internal control systems
- Review and recommend financial strategies and policies to Council
- Monitor Council’s financial performance and recommend actions
- Monitor operating and capital expenditure programme
- Recommending the Annual Report financials to Council.
- Make recommendations to Council
- All necessary powers to meet its responsibilities.
Awards and Grants Committee
Awards and Grants Committee
Reports to: Kaipara District Council
Chair: Councillor Eryn Wilson-Collins
Membership: Deputy Mayor Jonathan Larsen, Councillor Mike Howard, Councillor Pera Paniora, Councillor Mark Vincent, and Councillor Rachael Williams
Meeting frequency: As required by Council policy
Quorum: Three
Terms of Reference
- To allocate awards and grants in accordance with Council policy and legislation.
- Assess nominations and applications according to Council policy
- Allocate awards and grants according to Council policy
- Monitor grants expenditure, Contracts for Service and Licenses to Occupy for compliance with Council policy, and report any concerns to Council
- Review and recommend awards and grants policies to Council.
- Allocate awards and grants according to Council policy
- Make recommendations to Council on awards and grants policies.
Membership Rotation
At the mid-point of the funding schedule for 2024 (middle year of the triennium), membership will rotate to the other ward Councillor. The intention is for both sets of members to sit on roughly even numbers of grant and allocation meetings. The rotation date will depend on the adoption of the meeting calendar for the triennium, and the date will be decided as part of that process.
District Licensing Committee
District Licensing Committee
Reports to: Kaipara District Council
Chair: Mark Farnsworth
Membership: Councillor Gordon Lambeth, Grace Le Gros, Amy Munn and Murray Clearwater
Meeting frequency: As required
Quorum: Uncontested applications can be considered by the Chair alone. Where applications require a full hearing, three members are required for quorum.
Terms of Reference
- To administer Council’s alcohol licensing framework as determined by the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
- Consider and determine applications for:
- Licences and Manager’s certificates
- Temporary authority to carry out the sale and supply of alcohol
- Variation, suspension or cancellation of licences
- Provide annual reports to Kaipara District Council and the Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority on its functions as prescribed by legislation.
Make decisions on applications and renewals according to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Membership review
List members are appointed by the Chief Executive on the recommendation of Kaipara District Council. The current appointees’ terms expire in 2020. Other members can be appointed to the list at any time in accordance with the Act.
External members will be remuneration in accordance with s195 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Economic Development Committee
Economic Development Committee
Reports to: Kaipara District Council
Chair: Deputy Mayor Jonathan Larsen
Membership: Councillor Mike Howard, Councillor Gordon Lambeth, Councillor Ron Manderson and Councillor Ash Nayyer
Meeting frequency: Two monthly
Quorum: Three
Terms of Reference
To provide strategic direction on enabling and promoting economic growth and prosperity in the Kaipara District.
- Identify improvements to resource consent and building consent processes to remove regulatory hurdles
- Identify methods to enable growth through spatial planning and district planning process and content refinement
- Develop strategies to promote Kaipara as a destination to establish businesses and for new residents to move to
- Discussion and investigation of improved roading maintenance and upgrading, and energy generation
- Deliberate on sustainable long-term economic growth and increased employment
- Work alongside Northland Inc in regard to the economic strategy for the Kaipara
- Optimise external funding options to level economic growth
- Promote and support initiatives aimed at the district’s economic drivers.
To make recommendations to Council on matters considered by the Committee.
Membership Rotation
Northland Chamber of Commerce representative, Joint Regional Economic Development Committee members (2), Regional Transport Committee member and any other elected members appointed by the Mayor
Harding Park Committee
Harding Park Committee
Reports to: Kaipara District Council
Chair: Councillor Gordon Lambeth
Membership: Councillor Ron Manderson, Councillor Ash Nayyar, Mr Rob Harding and Mr Henry Holyoake
Meeting frequency: Three times a year
Quorum: Three
Terms of Reference
To provide advice on priorities for planning and policy development of the Harding Park and Old Mount Wesley Cemetery Reserve areas.
- Continuously monitor and review the Reserve Management Plan. Provide input into the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan processes
- Provide input into policies, bylaws or other regulatory tools for the Reserve
- Advise on the financial governance of the Reserve
- Advise on agreements with external organisations for the use of the Reserve, including all leases and Licences to Occupy
- Advise on external funding sources and applications for the enhancement of the Reserve
- Monitor statutory compliance and report any issues to Council
- Monitor the Reserve’s natural environment and report any issues to Council
- Liaise with the Pou Tu o Te Rangi Joint Management Committee on matters impacting on the Pou Tu o Te Rangi pā site
- Approve the annual works programmes within the allocated budgets in the Annual Plan or Long Term Plan
- Make recommendations to Council
Joint Climate Change Adaption Committee
Joint Climate Change Adaptation Committee
Administrative Authority: Northland Regional Council (Committee established August 2020)
KDC Representatives: Mayor Craig Jepson (primary), Councillor Ron Manderson (alternate)
Meeting frequency: A minimum of two times per year
Quorum: At least 50% of members shall be present to form a quorum. Meetings The Committee shall meet a minimum of two times per annum.
Climate change poses significant risks to the environment and people of Te Taitokerau -local government has responsibilities in reducing the impact of climate change (adaptation). It is essential that councils, communities and iwi / hapū work collaboratively to ensure an effective, efficient and equitable response to the impacts of climate change. Work on adaptation has already started between council staff with the formation of the joint staff working group Climate Adaptation Te Taitokerau and the development of a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Taitokerau. The formation of a joint standing committee of the Far North, Kaipara and Whangarei district councils and Northland Regional Council elected council members and iwi / hapū is fundamental to ensuring these outcomes are achieved in a coordinated and collaborative way across Te Taitokerau.
Role and Responsibilities
- Provide direction and oversight of the development and implementation of climate change adaptation activities by local government in Te Taitokerau
- Receive advice and provide direction and support to Climate Adaptation Te Taitokerau
- Make recommendations to member councils to ensure a consistent regional approach is adopted to climate change adaptation activities
- Act collectively as an advocate for climate change adaptation generally and within the individual bodies represented on the Committee
- Ensure the bodies represented on the Committee are adequately informed of adaptation activity in Te Taitokerau and the rationale for these activities
- Ensure the importance of and the rationale for climate change adaptation is communicated consistently within Te Taitokerau
- Receive progress reports from Climate Adaptation Te Taitokerau
The Joint Climate Change Adaptation Committee (the committee) is a standing committee made up of elected members from the Far North, Kaipara and Whangarei district councils, the Northland Regional Council and representatives from Northland hapū and iwi.
The committee shall have eight members as follows:
- One elected member from:
- Kaipara District Council
- Far North District Council
- Whangarei District Council
- Northland Regional Council
- Iwi / hapū members:
- One representative from iwi / hapū nominated by each council from within their jurisdiction. Where possible, this nomination should follow recommendations from council Māori advisory groups or committees. Each council shall also nominate one alternative elected member and one alternative iwi / hapū member who will have full speaking and voting rights when formally acting as the alternate.
The Committee is a joint standing committee of council as provided for under Clause 30(1)(b) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 and shall operate in accordance with the provisions of Clause 30A of that Act. The committee is an advisory body only and has no powers under the Local Government Act 2002 (or any other Act) other than those delegated by decision of all member councils. The joint standing committee shall operate under Northland Regional Council Standing Orders.
Committee Chair and Deputy Chair
The Chair and Deputy Chair is to be elected from members at the first meeting of the committee
Service of meetings
The Northland Regional Council will provide secretarial and administrative support to the joint committee. Draft agendas are to be prepared by Climate Adaptation Te Taitokerau and approved by the Chair of the Committee prior to the Committee meeting.
Remuneration and / or reimbursement for costs incurred by council members is the responsibility of each council. Respective iwi / hapū representatives will be remunerated and reimbursed by the nominating council in accordance with the non-elected members remuneration policy of that council.
Any amendment to the Terms of Reference or other arrangements of the Committee shall be subject to approval by all member councils.
Mangawhai Community Park Governance Committee
Mangawhai Community Park Governance Committee
Reports to: Kaipara District Council
Chair: Councillor Mike Howard
Membership: Councillor Ron Manderson, Councillor Rachael Williams, Daniel Hawes (community representative), Mary-Anne Boyd (Chair of the Friends of Mangawhai Community Park), Philip Johnson (Māori representative)
Meeting frequency: Three times a year
Quorum: Four, with at least one member to be an elected member.
Terms of Reference
To govern Mangawhai Community Park in accordance with the Mangawhai Community Park Master Plan.
- Implement the Mangawhai Community Park Master Plan, and initiate a review of the Plan when appropriate (at least every 10 years)
- Provide input into the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan processes
- Provide input into policies, bylaws or other regulatory tools for the Park
- Advise on the financial governance of the Park
- Advise on agreements with external organisations for the use of the Park, including all leases and Licences to Occupy
- Advise on external funding sources and applications for the enhancement of the Park
- Monitor statutory compliance and report any issues to Council
- Monitor the Park’s natural environment and report any issues to Council.
- Approve the annual works programmes within the allocated budgets in the Annual Plan or Long Term Plan
- Make recommendations to Council.
Three Councillors appointed by the Mayor, one community representative appointed by the Mayor, Chair of Friends of Mangawhai Community Park, one Māori representative appointed by the Mayor.
Raupo Drainage Committee
Raupo Drainage Committee
Reports to: Kaipara District Council
Chair: Ian Beattie
Membership: David Hart, Greg Gent, Grace Le Gros, Brian Madsen, Ross McKinley and Councillor Mark Vincent
Meeting frequency: Three times a year
Quorum: Four, with at least one member to be an elected member
Terms of Reference
Raupo Drainage Committee was established under the 1989 Re-organisation Order to govern the Raupo Drainage District. It is a co‑governance committee between Council and ratepayers within that District.
To govern the drainage, stopbanks and flood protection in the Raupo Drainage District.
- Provide input into the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan processes
- Provide input into the Asset Management Plan
- Provide input into policies, bylaws or other regulatory tools for the Reserve
- Advise on the financial governance of the Drainage District
- Advise on agreements with external organisations for the use of the Drainage District’s lands, including all leases and Licences to Occupy
- Monitor statutory compliance and report any issues to Council
- Monitor the Drainage District’s environment (in regards to waters and drainage) and report any issues to Council
- Act as a contact point for land drainage issues to Drainage District ratepayers and residents and report any issues to Council.
- Set the annual works programmes within the allocated budgets in the Annual Plan or Long Term Plan
- Make recommendations to Council.
Membership review
Ratepayer representatives are elected prior to each triennial local body election
If a vacancy occurs in the ratepayer representatives then the Committee can appoint an eligible ratepayer for the rest of the term.
Remuneration and Development Committee
Remuneration and Development Committee
Reports to: Kaipara District Council
Chair: Mayor Craig Jepson
Membership: Deputy Mayor Jonathan Larsen, Councillor Mike Howard, Councillor Gordon Lambeth, Councillor Ron Manderson and Councillor Rachael Williams
Meeting frequency: Quarterly
Quorum: Three
Terms of Reference
To oversee the Chief Executive’s performance and to make recommendations on elected member training and development.
- Agree with the Chief Executive the annual performance objectives
- Conduct the performance review required in the Chief Executive’s employment agreement
- Represent Council in regard to any issues which may arise in respect to the Chief Executive’s job description, performance objectives or other matters
- Oversee any recruitment and selection process for a Chief Executive and make recommendations to Council
- Oversee any development needs for Councillors and agree annual training plans to achieve these.
- Make recommendations to Council
- Request expert advice to assist in any matters under consideration within allocated budget in the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan
- Determine training and development needs for elected members within allocated budget in the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan.
Taharoa Domain Governance Committee
Taharoa Domain Governance Committee
Reports to: Kaipara District Council
Chair: Councillor Vincent
Membership: Councillor Nayyar, Councillor Williams, Councillor Paniora, Ric Parore, Sonny Nesbit
Meeting frequency: Three times a year
Quorum: Half of the membership, including at least one elected member
Terms of Reference
To oversee the Chief Executive’s performance and to make recommendations on elected member training and development.
- Monitor and review the Reserve Management Plan. Provide input into the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan processes
- Provide input into policies and bylaws or other regulatory tools for the Reserve
- Advise on the financial governance of the Reserve
- Advise on agreements with external organisations for the use of the Reserve, including all leases and Licences to Occupy
- Advise on external funding sources and applications for the enhancement of the Park
- Monitor statutory compliance and report any issues to Council
- Monitor the Reserve’s natural environment and report any issues to Council.
- Approve the annual works programmes within the allocated budgets in the Annual Plan or Long Term Plan
- Make recommendations to Council.
Three councillors appointed by the Mayor with one being the Chair, one Te Roroa representative appointed by the Mayor, one Te Kuihi representative appointed by the Mayor.