Mangawhai Central

Read the full proposed Private Plan Change 78 - Mangawhai Central/Estuary Estates.

Mangawhai Central is a planned large-scale development that includes commercial, retail and residential centres connecting the Mangawhai village and Heads. This land is owned by Mangawhai Central Limited.

The area comprises of approximately 130 hectares of land located on the upper Mangawhai Harbour.

Existing Chapter 16 – Estuary Estate

Development has been anticipated in this area with the existing Chapter 16 of the District Plan – (Estuary Estates) providing the initial vision. Chapter 16 contains objectives, policies and rules together with design guidelines that manage and control the development of land resources within the zone. Developers, would require a resource consent if the proposed development (land use and subdivision) does not meet the requirements and standards of the zone

Resource consents to date

At this stage, Mangawhai Central Limited (MCL) has used the existing Chapter 16 and general District Plan to apply for subdivision and land use consents to develop the site. These include:

To see the documentation for the following consents - click here.

RM170252 Proposed retrospective earthworks in breach of, Earthworks on Lot 6 DP 314200 and Lot 4 DP 154785
RM180243 Earthworks (granted October 2018) This consent allows the developer to excavate and fill parts of the site for the proposed development
RM190096 Additional earthworks (importation fill) (granted May 2019) This consent allows the developer to bring in quality filled materials for parts of the site heavily comprised of clay soil
RM190129 Molesworth Drive upgrade (granted December 2019) This consent allows the developer to upgrade Molesworth Drive comprising two roundabouts and four lanes between the roundabouts


Supermarket and associated development (granted May 2020)

This consent allows the development of a new supermarket, carparks and other business areas

RM190282A Section 127 approval of changes to consent conditions allowing the subdivision component to be undertaken in stages. Granted 5th March 2021
RM190283 Subdivision of the service zone (granted May 2020) This consent allows the developer to subdivide the existing service zone into 15 lots for industrial and commercial development
RM190283A     Section 127 approval for alteration of consent conditions allowing the subdivision to be implemented in stages. Granted on 05 March 2021
RM190283B Proposed adjusting the size of the approved superlot.  Lot 6 DP 314200 and Lot 4 DP 154785, 83 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai
RM190283C Proposed S127 vary conditions of consent RM190283 Lot 301 DP 560726
RM200123 New World Pylon Sign Two free standing signs displaying the New World operating hours to be located at both the north and south entrances into the site
RM200124 New Business Pylon Sign Establish a ‘cube pylon’ sign to be located at the entrance to the future Mangawhai Central supermarket and main street development
RM200156 Mobil Service Station (granted November 2020) 
RM200129 Second major earthworks covering 30.52ha of land (granted February 2021) 
RM200102 Establishment of a Bunnings warehouse hardware store with associated parking spaces and accesses (Granted March 2021) 
RM210103 Proposed roads to vest for the retirement village superlot (granted 26 June 2021) 
RM210144 Stage 3 major earthworks for Mangawhai Central development (granted on 17 July 2021) 
Lot 4 DP 314200, Lots 4, 1 and 6 DP 314200, 83 Molesworth Drive, and unnumbered lots Old Waipu Road, Mangawhai. Proposed 15 Lot Subdivision breaching 13.10.1a Earthworks, 13.10.3a Earthworks, 13.11.1 General Residential Subdivision, 13.11.3 Preservation of Natural and Cultural Heritage and 13.13.1 Integrated Development (more than 10 Lots)
RM210376 Proposed subdivision and land use at Stage 1 of a 41 Lot residential subdivision on Lot 6 DP 314200 Lot 4 DP 154785 breaches Earthworks 13.10.1a and Vehicle Access and Driveways 13.10.25
Notice of Requirement for Mangawhai Central Sub-station
Proposed S127 vary conditions of consent RM190283 Lot 301 DP 560726 - 83 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai. 

For more information on these consents, please email

Building consents

CCC Issued 15/11/2022 - Bunnings - store - DC $604,705.62 paid
CCC Issued 15/11/2022 - Bunnings - drainage, water, car parking (While DC is required and the calculations have been completed these will be added to BC 210255 Retail Warehouse and Timber Trade Store for DIY / Building supply chain (Bunnings))
BC200509 Granted 25/01/2021 - Stage 1 of 2 - Retail buildings 1, 3 and 5 with associated payment, drainage and landscape - DC Assessment issued in PIM $199,035.89
BC210193 Granted 17/08/2021 - New self-service Mobil petrol station - Assessment issued in PIM - DC is required for stormwater only: 3.89 UOD - $1,726.00 plus GST $258.90 Total: $1,984.90
BC200630 CCC Issued 12/10/2022 - Construction of supermarket. DC invoiced and paid $293,590.80
BC200619  Granted 12/02/2021 - Stage 2, Completion of the town centre including buildings 2, 4 and 6 and remainder of car parking. DC Assessment in PIM - Total: $188,597.61
BC220551 Granted 29/10/2022 - Internal fit-out of ground floor building 5 - No DC's apply
BC220552 CCC Issued 10/11/2022 - Bunnings - racking throughout store
BC220311 CCC Issued 10/10/2022 - Supermarket installation of racking
BC220270 Granted 27/09/2022 - New substation building, transformer bays and associated site civil works - DC required for stormwater only - $667.73 GST inclusive
BC220702 CCC Issued 28/11/2023 - Interior fitout for Sushi Takeaway Shop
EX230253 Exemption granted 30/06/2023 - Fitout to retail Unit 1
BC240279 Granted 09/08/2024 - Internal fitout of Bar for The Bunker - Units 3E and 3F


There is an existing wastewater main which runs along the southern boundary of the site which is proposed to be relocated into the boundaries of the upgraded Molesworth Drive reserve corridor. All new wastewater connections resulting from the development will be connected back to the relocated wastewater main and serviced by the reticulated network.

How is the wastewater scheme funded?

The Mangawhai wastewater scheme cost $58m in 2012.  The Capital cost was allocated as follows:

  • $13.4m to existing properties that connected or were capable of connecting at the time
  • $26.2m by future property developers, to be collected through development contributions
  • $18.4m through district-wide rates, which has now been reduced to around 1.4m through sale of Council land and other assets and funds from the Office of the Auditor General.

How is additional capacity funded?

The current Long Term Plan (2018-2028) identified a range of interventions that would be required to meet the expected growth.  This included Estuary Estates (the precursor to Mangawhai Central) and other growth allowed for as part of the operative District Plan. 

The Development Contributions Policy includes these projects and the costs related to Wastewater are allocated to developers as a Development Contribution.

KDC is working with all developers across Mangawhai to ensure that wastewater management is incorporated in the development and that the necessary improvements are included. This is part of the process that is assessed as part of any Private Plan Change application that follows a statutory process.

The Mangawhai Spatial Plan will be used to develop the 2021 - 2031 Long Term Plan, which will reassess the likely triggers for interventions to ensure that there is sufficient capacity in the MCWWS to maintain environmental and health outcomes for the community,

Is the Wastewater System at capacity?

The system is operating within capacity and there are budgeted improvements that will accommodate growth. The system is modular, allowing for expansion to various parts of the wastewater network.

Mangawhai wastewater infographic

Mangawhai Community Wastewater Infographic.

(Click to enlarge)

The Council has Activity Management Plans for three critical areas that define the 'capacity' of the system

  • The extent of the reticulation system
  • The wastewater plant
  • The disposal system

The reticulation system is extended as and when required to connect with new developments and customers. Developers have opportunity to use technology that would manage the flow of sewage to the plant.

The demand for the plant is highest in summer when there is a higher population.  Recent changes to the system include sand traps, which improve the output quality of treated wastewater and blowers which increase efficiency.  Future budgeted improvements include an additional tank, which will accommodate the summer surge before it is processed.

Water, recovered through the process, is currently disposed of through a field in Browns Road.  With increasingly dry summers and more frequent droughts, we are exploring opportunities to recycle the water for irrigation as part of a circular economy. 

Water supply

Northland Regional Council has granted resource consent for a water take from a bore at Lot 6 DP 314200 (Old Waipu Road North, Mangawhai) on 9 May 2019 with a rate of take not exceeding 100 cubic metres per day. The supply was stated as being for commercial and residential development. This was a limited notification application with known bore owners in the vicinity being considered affected persons. Additionally, all new developments require rainwater harvesting to complement the water extraction from the aquifer. Refer to Northland Regional Council for further information on this aspect.

While MCL continues to apply for resource consents for activities that do not meet the requirements of Chapter 16, they have requested a Private Plan Change that is being considered under a separate process i.e. PPC78.

Private Plan Change

Private Plan Change 78 (the PPC) for Mangawhai Central has been lodged and notified. The PPC is to replace the 2008 rules and planning requirements, with 2020 best-practice provisions that can enable sustainable growth.

A private plan change is one that is introduced to a community by someone other than the Local Authority. The RMA provides for private plan changes to be commenced by citizens between the required review period of a district plan, which is every 10 years.

Mangawhai Central Ltd, with its advisers, have requested the provisions of Chapter 16 and be updated to enable a sustainable, environmentally resilient development that meets Mangawhai’s present and future needs. 

This PPC was notified on 30 April 2020. The process timeline for each activity is set out in the table below. 

Note the timeline is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.




Lodgement 3 December 2019 Completed
RMA Clause 25 Decision to accept the plan change for processing (KDC) 3 April 2020 Completed
Public Notification PPC 30 April 2020 Completed
Closing date of Notification Period 28 May 2020 Completed
Public Notification of Summary of submission for further submission 20 and 21 July 2020 Completed
Closing date for further submission 4 August 2020 Completed
Completion of the Section 42A report 30 October 2020 Completed
Pre-circulation of evidence (to be decided by the Hearing Panel) 06 November 2020 13 November 2020
Hearing Late November 2020

23-25 November 2020. Hearing adjourned until January/February 2021— date to be confirmed.

Reconvened Hearing  3 February 2021

3 February 2021

Decision February – March 2021 28 April 2021
Notification period 10 and 11 May 2021

Northern Advocate

Kaipara Lifestyler

Mangawhai Focus

Appeal Period April – May 2021 Ends 23 June 2021

Please refer to the Mangawhai Central website for updates by the developer for their proposals.

Please note that the existing Council owned esplanade reserve does not fall within the Private Plan Change area.

Overview of the proposed development

Read the full proposed Private Plan Change.

These images give a high level artists impression of what the developer could do if the PPC is approved.

The proposed business area (red buildings), service zone (yellow) and high density residential area (orange).

Proposed areas of Mangawhai Central.0

The proposed supermarket and the business area.

Proposed Supermarket Layout

Proposed Zoning Map

Proposed Zoning Map

Proposed Structure Plan Map

Proposed structure Map