Cemetery Rules and Regulations

Cemeteries are administered and managed under the Kaipara District Council’s Cemeteries and Crematoria Bylaw, Cemeteries and Crematoria Code of Practice, the Burials and Cremation Act 1964 and the Reserves Act 1977.

Health and Safety

Care is needed when moving around at any cemetery. It is important to be aware of your surroundings and take extra care as there may be uneven ground or other hazards.

When attending a funeral or other ceremony within a cemetery, and particularly when next to an open grave, please make sure you follow any directions given by the funeral director or sexton. These onsite professionals are there to ensure the ceremony runs smoothly, and that you and others are kept safe.

Advertising or Soliciting

Advertising or soliciting is not permitted in any Kaipara District Council administered cemeteries.

Dogs or Other Animals

Dogs and other animals are permitted in Kaipara District Council administered cemeteries during the hours of daylight, subject to relevant Council Bylaws. Any animal must be under the control of the owner at all times.

Currently Council does not have a designated area for the interment of pets or their ashes.  It is possible, however, for pets or their ashes to be interred with their owner at the time of their burial.  This must be communicated to Council at the time of application.

Photography or Filming

Photography or filming is not permitted in any cemetery or reserve unless solely for private purposes. Commercial filming and flying of drones require permission from the Kaipara District Council.


Vehicles are encouraged to remain outside of Cemetery grounds when at all possible. However, when driving vehicles within a cemetery you must:

  • observe the 10 km/h recommended speed limit
  • comply with all usual public roadway traffic road rules
  • stay on the roadway or within areas designated for vehicles
  • give-way to a hearse and funeral possession

Cemetery Care and Maintenance

The Council is responsible for the care, tidiness and overall maintenance of its cemetery grounds. Maintenance, improvements and record upkeep may be carried out by Council contractors or local community groups. This includes:

  • mowing of grass turf interment areas
  • tree and shrub plantings, maintenance and renewals
  • grave and ashes plot digging, backfilling and turf re-establishment
  • ongoing top-up, levelling and turf maintenance of burial plot areas
  •  maintenance and renewal of cemetery infrastructure, e.g., roadways, carparks, paths, seats, fences, irrigation, signage and larger public memorial or niche wall type structures.

Care of Headstones and Plaques

The care and maintenance of burial grave or ashes plot headstones, memorials, plaque, or other similar built structures is the property and ongoing responsibility of the interred person’s family, whanau or descendants.

Where possible, community groups are encouraged to maintain historic headstones and monuments.