What’s next for Mangawhai Heads Reserve?
Earlier this year we asked you what you love about the Mangawhai Heads Reserve area and what improvements you would like to see. Using your feedback and other supporting information, we've prepared a Draft Reserve Concept Plan for Mangawhai Heads Reserve and want to know what you think.
It is intended to set a vision for the Mangawhai Heads Reserve that meets the community’s future needs.
Any funding for construction of the features and improvements shown on the concept plan will need to be progressed separately, in consultation with the community through Council’s Long Term Plan process or via external funding. We first need to understand if the proposals are what the community want.
Draft Concept Plan
View a larger PDF version in a new window.
Mangawhai Heads Reserve
Mangawhai Heads Reserve encompasses 8.5ha of land at the end of Wintle Street, known as Mangawhai Heads Surf Beach. The land includes the distinctive white rock, historic pā sites, carpark, toilets and the beach front space leased by the Mangawhai Heads Surf Life Saving Club.
Why are we doing this?
Discussions around options for the Surf Club and carparking improvements identified a need for a wider discussion on the future of this area.
What is a Reserve Management Plan and a Concept Plan?
Reserve Management Plans are a requirement of section 41 of the Reserves Act 1977. They guide the use and development of a reserve for the purposes for which it is classified under the Reserves Act.
In the case of the Mangawhai Heads Reserve, the Mangawhai Coastal and Harbour Reserves Management Plan sets guiding direction for how the area can be developed and what activities/uses are appropriate there. It also directs that the Council must prepare a ‘Reserve Concept Plan’ for any further development/redevelopment of the area before proceeding with any works.
A Reserve Concept Plan is a plan showing what further development or redevelopment is proposed. The direction in the Reserve Concept Plan must be consistent with the guiding direction in the overarching Reserve Management Plan.
What’s happening with the surf club?
Repair of the surf club and remediation of the slip is being progressed separately, ahead of this Plan. To get the repairs started as quickly as possible, Kaipara District Council and Mangawhai Heads Volunteer Lifeguard Service have signed a works agreement. Read more about these repairs.
Preparing a concept plan is a separate piece of work that is looking toward the future medium to long term use of the greater area. Council is consulting with the Surf Club to understand if they have any aspirations for the wider area. Any such aspirations will be incorporated into the draft Reserve Concept Plan to be consulted on with the community.
Who owns the land?
The land is owned and administered by Council on behalf of its constituents i.e. the local residents and ratepayers.
Can we change the dog rules in this area?
Rules on where people can walk their dog on or off a leash, or dog poo being left on the beach etc. are outside the scope of this piece of work. These rules are addressed through the Dog Control Act 1996, Council’s Policy on Dogs and Dog Management Bylaw. The latter is reviewed periodically through consultation with the public.