The Annual Plan for 2017/2018 is providing some good news for ratepayers. While there are no significant changes from the third year of the Long Term Plan 2015/2025, the average rates increase is proposed to be lower than we stated in the Plan. Instead of 3.65% on average increase, the proposed average increase will be 2.65%.
We do not need to go through a formal consultation process for this year’s plan, with submissions and hearings. This is because amendments to the Local Government Act 2002 recognise that often Annual Plans are not significantly different to what was consulted on in the Long Term Plan process. Therefore it does not make sense to consult again on plans already contained in the Long Term Plan 2015/2025. Any feedback you have provided will be considered as part of finalising the Annual Plan 2017/2018.
Round table meetings were held:
- Mana Whenua Forum Annual Plan Hui - Northern Wairoa War Memorial Hall (Dargaville Town Hall - Hokianga Road) - Tuesday 28 March - 10.00am
- Paparoa War Memorial Hall - 4 April at 6pm
- Northern Wairoa War Memorial Hall (Dargaville Town Hall) - 5 April at 6pm
- Maungaturoto Centennial Hall - 6 April at 6pm
- Mangawhai Senior Citizens Hall - 7 April at 6pm
- Kaiwaka Sports Complex - 12 April at 6pm
- Ruawai/Tokatoka War Memorial Hall - 13 April at 10am
- Kaihu Hall - 13 April at 1.30pm.
The feedback period closed at 4:30pm on Tuesday 18 April 2017.
To view the source documents referred to in the consultation document please use the links on the right. Alternatively if you would prefer hard copies of the document(s) that interest you these can be obtained by telephoning our Customer Service Centre on 0800 727 059 or (09) 439 3123 or by emailing
Report to Council meeting 14 March 2017
Council resolution from meeting 14 March 2017
View source documents:
- Consultation document
- Proposed statements of financial and capital performance
- Proposed funding impact statements
- Prospective financial statements
- Proposed capital expenditure programme - summary
- Proposed capital expenditure programme - detailed
- Proposed rates summary (UAGC $728)
- Proposed rating sample properties (UAGC $728)
- Illustrative rates summary
- Rating sample properties (UAGC $741)
- Proposed funding impact statement (rating tools)
- Proposed funding impact statement (rating tools) - maps