Applications for a premises or conveyance (On, Off, Club or Special Licence) licence must be made to the Kaipara District Licensing Agency on the appropriate form with supporting information.
Once lodged, applications are sent to the Police, Fire Service and District Licensing Inspector, and the Medical Officer of Health who then give their reports to the District Licensing Agency.
All applications are required to be publicly notified by the applicant in a newspaper that circulates within their local area. Once the above reports and supporting documents have been received the applications will processed and determined (granted or declined by the District Licensing Committee). For further information contact the licencing inspectors via on 0800 727 059.
Process and timeframes
All applications:
- Special Licences (to sell alcohol for a special occasion or event)
- New or Renewal Premises Licences (On, Off, Club)
- New or Renewal of Manager's Certificates
Are currently being processed within a 20-25 working day timeframe provided that:
- The application is completed fully at the time it is lodged
- That no further information is required
- That any premises applications are publically notified correctly
- Provided that an application is unopposed and does not require a public hearing before the District Licensing Committee.
The 20-25 working day timeframe allows for:
- Interviews to be conducted where necessary
- Inspection of premises to be undertaken where necessary
- The public notification of an application to take place where required
- Any other interdepartmental liaison eg health, planning and building team input.