Minor Resource Consents
Kaipara District Council welcomes a new application form and reporting template to streamline the processing of “simple” non-notified resource consent applications. This is to improve processing efficiency and reduce cost to applicants.
Please note, these are different than ‘Fast Track Consents’.
What are Minor Resource Consents?
This new reporting template combines the non-notification and approval assessments into a single report and remove duplication between these two reports.
Currently KDC follows a similar process and reporting format regardless of the level of complexity of a resource consent application. This “one size fits all” approach doesn’t recognise that some applications are more straight forward than others and involve lower risk.
In order to apply for a minor consent your proposal must be in breach of any one or combination of the below breaches and within the specified thresholds and without breaching other Standards in the Operative District Plan and KDC Engineering Standards.
Minor consents can only be sought for Restricted Discretionary Activities in the Rural or Residential zone.
Below is a rundown of the rules and qualifying factors for applying as a Minor Resource Consent.
Rural Zone
- 12.10.7 ‘Setbacks’ yard setback infringing the required setback by up to 0.5m in any front, side or rear yard.
- 12.10.8 ‘Permeable surfaces’ impermeable surface coverage exceeding the permitted threshold by up to an additional 3% (i.e 18% max with no overlay; 13% max in an overlay). Must be supported by a Stormwater Report from a suitably qualified professional.
- 12.10.13 ‘Relocated buildings’ where this rule is breached only a result of another minor breach in this list.
- 12.10.25 ‘Vehicle access and driveways’ on-site manoeuvring space with a turning radius no smaller than 6.5m.
- 12.10.27 ‘Parking’ on-site manoeuvring space with a turning radius no smaller than 6.5m.
Residential Zone
- 13.10.7 ‘Setbacks’ yard setback infringing the required setback by up to 0.5m in any front, side or rear yard.
- 13.10.8 ‘Separation Distance for Noise Sensitive Activities’ dwelling located greater than 200m from a commercial (only) activity but less than 300m.
- 13.10.10 ‘Relocated buildings’ where this rule is breached only a result of another minor breach in this list.
- 13.10.12 ‘Permeable surfaces’ impermeable surface coverage exceeding the permitted threshold by up to an additional 3% (ie 43% max). Must be supported by a Stormwater Report from a suitably qualified professional.
- 13.10.25 ‘Vehicle access and driveways’ on-site manoeuvring space with a turning radius no smaller than 6.5m.
- 13.10.27 ‘Parking’ on-site manoeuvring space with a turning radius no smaller than 6.5m.
Note: When these are used is up to Council’s Discretion and if you believe you qualify as a Minor Resource Consent, please enquire with our team today via rmaconsents@kaipara.govt.nz
How Much will it cost?
A set fee of $1,800 will apply, being a reduction of 20% on the normal non-notified resource consent initial instalment fee of $2,250 (for the 2023/24 financial year), which usually attract an additional charge on top of this for additional time spent.
Apply for a Minor Resource Consent
With your application, you will need to supply us with:
- Record of Title (full current copy, should be not more than 3 months old) plus any Consent Notices and/or Encumbrances
- Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE)
- Scaled Plans and Elevations
- Written Approval/s obtained, or record of consultation undertaken if applicable
- Reports from technical experts (if required) e.g. engineering report, stormwater report
Lodge your application with us:
- Once your application is complete, you will need to lodge an electronic copy with Council. You will also need to pay the associated Application Fee and until this is paid the Council will not accept your application.
- You can provide an electronic copy of your application via email to rmaconsents@kaipara.govt.nz