Major external projects

We have a dedicated focus to assist with facilitating and overseeing major external projects that require resource consent.

We recognise that a number of significant new developments are planned within the District and there is a need to provide a coordinated and consistent Council response to enable sustainable growth to occur in a timely manner.  We have therefore established a ‘Major Project Leader’ role within the resource consents team to assist with complex consent planning matters, and to oversee/manage our major projects workstream.

What is a ‘Major Project’?

The criteria to be considered as a major project includes:

  • the level of public interest and /or outcomes, e.g. community and strategic values
  • the level of significance, i.e. local community, district, regional, national
  • the complexity of the application.

In addition, all Council projects are reviewed by the Major Project Leader.

Mangawhai Central is within the major project workstream.

The process

Identifying projects

If you believe that your proposal meets one or more of the above criteria then you should make contact with our Major Project Leader at the early concept stage to determine if the major project workstream is right for you and your project.  If it is, we will arrange a pre-application meeting/s and ensure that all necessary Council staff can attend and provide the necessary input/feedback.  All information will be treated in confidence and we recommend that conceptual and/or technical details of the project are provided to Council at least 10 workings days before the initial meeting.

As an alternative to the above, during a standard pre-application meeting, or potentially during the vetting of a resource consent application, we may become aware of a project that we consider would benefit from being managed under the major project workstream.  If this occurs the Major Project Leader will make contact with you to discuss your options.

What you can expect

The key benefit of the major project workstream is to streamline the communications and information transfer to/from Council via the Major Project Leader.  This will assist to make the resource consent process more efficient and effective.  Projects that qualify through this workstream are likely to be complex or contentious and involve multiple issues, technical experts, and Council staff from various departments.  The Major Project Leader will be the point of contact for Council and can assist/advise on Council processes and planning matters generally.  The Major Project Leader cannot act as an advocate for your project, but they will assist you through the process and do their best to remove any unnecessary barriers to progress.

For enquiries please contact

Name:  Kelsey Newman


Telephone: Via the Customer Services Centre - 0800 727 059