How much will it cost?
Fixed fees are available for some types of applications. You can find the criteria in our most recent Fees and Charges.
If your project does not meet the fixed fee criteria then the cost will depend on the type of application, cost of work involved and the level of detail provided. Our charges are listed on our website and are based on the length of time it takes to process an application and include costs such as:
- levies payable to the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (payable on all applications over $65,000);
- levies payable to BRANZ (payable on all applications over $20,000);
- time spent processing the application;
- number of Inspections required (type and number vary depending on application);
- issue of Code Compliance Certificate;
- issue of Compliance Schedule (if applicable);
- development contribution (if applicable); and
- further costs that may be incurred - refer to our current year's Fees and Charges.
An estimate of the fees involved may be provided, however the final cost will not be known until the application is processed. A cancellation fee may apply if you withdraw your application.