The Long Term Plan (LTP) sets Council's strategic direction and work programme for the years ahead. It outlines the services we will provide, the projects we will undertake, the cost of doing this work, how it will be paid for and how we will measure our performance. Our LTP also incorporates a range of financial policies.
Long Term Plan 2024-2027
Our district suffered major, long-lasting damage to its critical infrastructure during the extreme weather events of 2023. Normally a long term plan looks ten years ahead, but because of the significant impact to our district, central Government offered us a breather in the form of the Severe Weather Emergency Recovery acts. We are one of eight councils around Aotearoa New Zealand which is able to adopt a three-year, unaudited long term plan with a focus on recovery.
Our Long Term Plan 2024-2027 was adopted on 31 July 2024.
NOTE: The Long Term Plan for 2024-2027 was initially uploaded on 15 August 2024. A small number of typographical corrections were made with the most recent updated Long Term Plan document uploaded on 30 August 2024.
- Long Term Plan 2024-2027 (PDF 18MB)
- Long Term Plan 2024-2027 bilingual component version (PDF 18MB)
Response to Submitters on the Long Term Plan 2024-2027
Response to Submitters on the Long Term Plan 2024-2027
Thank you for taking the time to submit to Kaipara District Council on the Long Term Plan 2024-2027.
The final Long Term Plan 2024-2027 was adopted at Council Meeting on 31 July 2024. It can be read online at the top of this Long Term Plan 2024-2027 webpage. Printed versions will be available to view at all KDC libraries and council receptions later in September 2024.
The final steps from your submission to adoption and where to find responses to the points you raised in your submission:
Consultation document and source documents: These are the documents that went out for consultation 4 April–4 May 2024.
- These documents can be found on this Long Term Plan webpage (under LTP 2024–2027 consultation and other source documents).
Hearings: We received 742 submissions, and 45 submitters came to speak to their submissions at hearings held in Dargaville and Mangawhai on 15-16 May 2024.
- Submissions received can be found in the Long Term Plan 2024-2027 Hearings Agenda
Deliberations: Council then held Deliberations to make decisions on what to include or exclude from the LTP on 5 June 2024. All submissions are summarised in reports and put into the agenda in the following categories:
- The consultation document topics
- Key finance points raised in submissions
- Points around specific council activities
- Other points raised in submissions not covered in the previous reports.
You may find specific responses to your submissions points in the main covering reports, or in the attachments.
All reports can be found in the Long Term Plan 2024-2027 Deliberations Agenda in full.
Activities reports respond to each submission point in the ‘Summary of submissions’ attachment before writing the final summary and recommendations in the cover report (links below):
- 5.1 Roading and Footpaths report summary of submissions
- 5.2 Four Waters (supply, storm, waste, flooding) summary of submissions
- 5.3 Open Spaces and Facilities summary of submissions
- 5.4 Solid Waste summary of submissions
- 6.1 Other submission points - summary of submissions
Any suggestions such as new projects that may not have been incorporated to this plan, will be forwarded to the next Long Term Plan process which begins in 2026, to be reconsidered by the next council.
Thank you again for taking the time to submit on this Long Term Plan and if you came along to be heard, your time and thoughts are appreciated.
LTP 2024-2027 consultation and other source documents
The final versions of these policies, strategies and plans are now available on our website following the adoption of our Long Term Plan 2024-2027.
Full list of consultation source documents:
Source documents
- Vision and Community Outcomes
- Significance and Engagement Policy
- Environmental Scan 2023
- Significant Forecasting Assumptions
- Infrastructure Strategy
- Financial Strategy
- Revenue and Financing Policy
- Treasury Policy (includes Investment, and Liability and Management Policies)
- Development Contributions Policy
- Financial Contributions Policy
- Maori Freehold Land Rates Postponement and Remission Policy
- Rates Postponement and Remission Policy
- Activity Management Plans
- Financial Statement
Other consultations that were running during this time: