Planning the future of Mangawhai Community Park
Mangawhai Community Park is a 34 hectare site on Molesworth Drive which has a number of attractions, sport and recreational facilities for all ages and community groups. As well as the Mangawhai Activity Zone, the park is home to the Fire and Ambulance stations, the Mangawhai Museum and Historic Village, the Bowling Club and a wastewater treatment plant. Mangawhai Golf Club and course are also part of the park.
Development of the park is guided by a Master Plan that was created with the community. The park has changed significantly since the plan was adopted in 2014 and it is time to review it.
Mangawhai Community Park Master Plan Review
Council have prepared a new Master Plan for Mangawhai Community Park. We’d like feedback from the community on whether we have this Draft Master Plan right or if changes are needed before it is adopted for implementation. The Master Plan will direct how the park will be managed and developed going forward. This includes setting a vision for the park and what activities would be appropriate there.
Key changes proposed in the Draft Master Plan include:
Parking improvements – pages 15, 16, 19
Optimising existing car parking areas at MAZ, the Heritage precinct and the bowling club and adding a new car park to the Merz Hut area.
Merz Hut – page 15
Creating a new Merz Hut precinct with car parking and picnic areas off Thelma Road South.
Permitting some commercial development in the park – page 11
Longer term commercial options that may provide necessary and meaningful contribution to the infrastructure or economic development of the community may be considered by Council.
Giving us your feedback
The opportunity to submit your feedback, objections or comments has now closed.
A hearing will be held on 21 May 2024 for those who indicate they would like to speak to their submission.
All submissions must be received by close of business 06 May 2024.