Property and Rates Search
The below search allows you to perform searches by road, address, valuation or plan number.
You can check your rates for the 2024/2025 year using the rates calculator tool below. See our Long Term Plan website page for more information.
- Property Description
- Property valuation information
- Rates information
- Historic land and capital value
Property Revaluation
In communication with the Valuer General’s office these dates are scheduled for the Kaipara District
- Effective date of valuation: 01/09/2023
- Revaluation certified: 19/01/2024
- Date of implementation: 20/01/2024
- Date of public notice: 08/01/2024 (Northern Advocate)
- Owners notices posted: 31/01/2024
- Last day for objections: 07/03/2024
For more information about revaluations, read our frequently asked questions (PDF 91KB).