Pay Online

~ 3min. to complete the form
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See the following examples:

Building Consents eg: BC109435
Camp Fees eg: Pine 32500 (Campground name and booking reference)
Debtors eg: 224020 (Must be 6 digits)
Health Licenses eg: FP1253
Infringement Notice No eg: 123456
Rates Valuation eg: 0124670412 (Must be 10 digits)
Resource Consent eg: RM101001
Water Rates eg: 1290051 (Must be 6 to 10 digits)

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Please enter your

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The service fee will show as a separate transaction on your bank statement.

A service fee of 2.0% per transaction (minimum fee $1.00) is applied by our bank, Bank of New Zealand. Kaipara District Council does not receive any part of the fee.

You should check with your card issuer for details about other fees or charges that may also apply as this transaction is carried out in terms of the arrangement between you and your card issuer.

By submitting my payment, I accept the terms & conditions and that the information I have provided is correct.